Commissioner Meetings
The Board of Hot Springs County Commissioners meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Meeting Room of the Government Annex building located at 117 N. 4th St., Thermopolis. The meeting times are as follows: for the first Tuesday 9:00 a.m. and the third Tuesday 3:00 p.m. Please note meeting times and dates may change, upon approval by the Commissioners.
Commissioners' Responsibilities
The Board of Hot Springs County Commissioners consists of three members with staggered terms of four years. Individual Commissioners do not have the power to act independently, all official actions are taken by majority or unanimous vote in a public meeting. Commissioners are responsible for appointing department heads of the offices they oversee, which are departments that are not under the authority of other elected officials. Departments that the Commissioners oversee are: Airport, Road and Bridge, County Building Maintenance, Public Health, Emergency Management Services, Youth Alternative Services, and County Planner. The Commissioners also appoint members to a variety of boards and commissions such as: Big Horn Basin Nature and Discovery Center, Fairboard, Land Use Planning Board, Library Board, Museum Board, Natural Resources Planning Committee, Predatory Animal Control Board, and Weed and Pest Board. Commissioners may also serve on other Boards that are of high importance to the County.
Other responsibilities of the County Commissioners include: adopting the annual County budget, levying taxes, approving all county contracts and agreements, approving grant applications and agreements, adopting policies, and meeting regularly in open public forums.
You may contact the Commissioners via email at

Tom Ryan
Mr. Ryan began his first term as a Commissioner on January 5, 2015. He is a co-owner of Ryan Brothers Trucking. Mr. Ryan's long-time service on the County School Board earned him a spot in the State School Board Hall of Fame in 2014.
Work Phone: 307-864-8040
Cell Phone: 307-921-1212

Bob Aguiar
Bob Aguiar was elected to his first term as Commissioner in 2024. Mr. Aguiar is a retired Human Resource Manager and has volunteered 22 years working with 4H youth. Mr. Aguiar also serves on the Hot Springs County Predator Management Board and is currently the Hot Springs County Republican Party State Committeeman.
Work Phone: 307-864-8040
Cell phone: 307-480-0019

Paul Galovich
Paul Galovich Info coming soon.
Work Phone: 307-864-8040
Cell phone: 307-921-1317

Connie Guntly
Administrative Assistant to the Commissioners
As the Administrative Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners, Connie serves as the liaison to the County Clerk and to all Department Supervisors that report to the County Commissioners. With eleven years of previous County Government experience, Connie is prepared to assist with any County project necessary. Connie prepares the Agendas and Minutes for regular and special Commissioners meetings, as well as maintains the records from the meetings. If you have any questions about the Commissioners meetings or other Board related items or wish to get on the Agenda please email Connie at
Work phone: 307-864-8040